NYSED Announces New Round of 21st CCLC Funding
Sep 28th 2021
Attention New York School Districts and Community Based Organizations!
Check out the recently announced five-year grant opportunity, found at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/funding/2022-2027-21st-cclc/home.html. A single agency may apply for a maximum of $1.2 million annually. The application requires an external evaluator and A&O has extensive experience supporting K-12 clients to design, deliver and evaluate high quality after-school programs grants. If you are interested in applying, please reach out to us for assistance with developing clear performance measures, a rigorous evaluation plan, and your program narrative. We would be happy to review your draft and offer feedback at no cost. An added bonus, Apter & O’Connor Associates will help to satisfy your NYS M/WBE participation requirements.