Gathering the right data and knowing how to use it . . . is what matters
Dec 2nd 2020
Whatever you call it, everybody’s talking about it . . . and Apter & O’Connor is providing help in an individualized way!
A&O is working with a wide array of non-profits and coalitions to build their internal evaluation capacity so they can measure impact improve program planning and become more competitive for funding.
We know about your challenges in the “real” world. We bring our own management and capacity building experiences to our expertise in all our services: evaluation, needs assessment, facilitation, strategic planning, leadership and professional development and fund sourcing. We help organizations:
- Articulate a Theory of Change: How and why a desired change is expected to happen in a particular context?
- Define intended outcomes: What specific behavior or attitude change do you expect?
- Develop measurable indicators and data collection methods: How will you know there has been change?
- Explore the data they already collect and create tools for additional information
- Design user-friendly reports to document efforts and demonstrate impact
Our goal is to help you tell your story in the most impactful way.