Family Reading Partnership offers high praise for A&O
May 1st 2018
We were happy to have earned and received these positive comments from our friends at the Family Reading Partnership: "The A&O team provided us with thoughtful, engaging and realistic leadership for our evaluation project. They helped us understand the data and provided recommendations and ideas for our organizational growth (to address what we discovered in the evaluation.) Our organizational culture is shifting – we are “evaluation ready” and are now using data to inform our program planning thanks to the patience, skill and talent of the A&O team! Family Reading Partnership in Ithaca, NY is working to create a culture of literacy in which all children have early, frequent, and pleasurable experiences with books, as a special part of everyday family life, right from the start! They hired A&O to develop an evaluation framework and build an internal capacity for using data to demonstrate their impact. A&O also conducted three independent program evaluations. The FRP team worked hard over 18 months and as noted by the executive director, made great strides with A&O’s guidance."